My recent trip to S i n g a p o r e ♥
(WARNING- Fangirl screaming below. If you wish to proceed though, please do. :) )KYAHHHH. OH MY GOD KYAHHHHHHHHHHH Okay, I didn't announce it, but I went to Singapore for a four day trip. I went last Thursday. When I was in the plane, I looked down on Singapore and I was like "WOAH. So clean!! And the trees and grass are all perfectly manicured..." Yeah. Singapore is one clean, developed country. That wasn't my first time going to Singapore, though. I went a few years before too. But back then I was young, so I just didn't appreciate things. Haha. Okay. The big news is that I BOUGHT THE VAMPIRE KNIGHT OFFICIAL FANBOOK AND ARTBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAAA This is the fanbook. It contains lotsa information about the characters, uniform, Cross academy, and etc. This is the official artbook. I bought it at the Kinokuniya bookstore at Takashimaya S.C at Orchardroad. Cause my mom and dad had to buy some stuff there, I immediately looked for a bookstore on the floor plans of the shopping mall. AND THERE~~~ THERE WAS A BOOKSTORE!!!! That was the day that I was going to leave, so I knew I had to HURRY if I wanted to see some drooling manga stuffs before I returned to my boring, no anime/manga-things town. I walked into the bookstore, feeling sort of disappointed when I saw how small it was, but the truth was,... IT WAS A FREAKINGLY HUUUUUUUUGE BOOKSTORE. I mean like seriously. It was REALLY ENORMOUS. As I showed my dad what I wanted My mom also bought my little brother a box of Lego. She said it was his christmas presant, so I guess i can think of mine as a christmas presant too. I felt touched as I watched the books go into the plastic wrapper and watch it being handed to me. Hahaha. I'm going to cherish that book till I die!!!!!!!!!! Labels: Life, Vampire Knight 0 comment[s] | back to top |
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