I am not amused.
Ohmygoodness. What the hell. I am feeling so pissed and annoyed right now. And it is because of this friend of mine. Who I actually like. Well, who I like 70%. The other 30% I am not sure. I do not like her, (30%) because she is so flirty. Ughh. We all can't stand it -_- She flirts with nearly every guy around her. Pisses me off. Even though she's one of my precious friends. So yes. I have no idea how to deal with her -_-Grrr. Oh wait.. My heart is telling me maybe I like her 65%. Great. What is her problem? She is becoming more slutty.. by.. the .. day...;;; I'm really not supposed to do this- going online, blogging, facebooking.. when my exam is this coming MONDAY. But hee hee. I did it. There's nothing you can do about that!! HAHA. Oh now I'm talking to myself and being weird. -_-;;; Okk. I really hope I do well in my exams. Good luck to me. I think I'm becoming delusional. (Just like my friends who talk about guys like EVERYDAY. :l) Okay I'm logging off. Bye! See you! Goodbye! Later! Muah! Toodles! xoxo. 0 comment[s] | back to top |
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