Blinded for life; the yaoi pic was too much, bro.
Gyaa people... I nearly turned blind... sobI was scrolling in tumblr for pictures of Sebastian to inspire me with my story when a picture of Ciel in the MOST OBSCENE WAY showed up... Ugh gawd I'm blinded for life. I feel sick >.> Cause it was really so obscene. I never ever wanna see something like that again sob. It's not like it's my first time though; I've seen (not that I wanted to) hentai/ecchi stuff before.. ACCIDENTALLY and I was nearly scarred for life. How can people have joy in looking at something like that?? >.> My reaction when I saw the pic: And I'm not a fan of Yaoi, btw. Well yeah when you search 'Sebastian Michaelis,' of course there would be a 99% chance that there would be a yaoi pic of Sebastian and Ciel but, who was expecting that? I feel corrupted somehow now... sob Labels: Kuroshitsuji, Sebastian Michaelis, yaoi 0 comment[s] | back to top |
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